Optical Signs Vision

Optical Signs believes that every life matters. We are committed to bringing the light out to the darkness on the road ahead. Every sign illuminated could potentially prevent an accident from happening and we have the Fiber Optics to prove it.


Our Products

Our products use the latest and innovative technologies using Fiber Optics and Solar Panels delivering specific information with legends to drivers at night or day time where there is decreased visibility, perceptivity and bad weather. Moreover, our signs visually alert drivers during hail storm and fog, in anticipation of what is ahead on the road especially at mountain roads, parks and country-side where there is no electricity lines available.



There are families and love behind drivers. Technologies were invented to protect human lives (Safety First) and make our life experience easier while we have this precious moment together driving on roads.

We genuinly
care about
people and lives
Clients are our most important partners
Experimen -
tation, in -
novation, and cre -
ativity save lives
Collabora -
caring and
respect to all

 Sid Hedjazi, P.E.

President, Optical Signs

Working for the California Transportation (CalTrans) in various departments including Project Management for his entire career, Mr. Hedjazi understands every aspect of road safety and drivers' mindset. Mr. Hedjazi has successfully delivered multi-billion dollar projects with his team members, from design to delivery of well constructed roadways that are utilized daily by drivers in the Southern California region of United States.


 Jay Hedjazi

Principal, Optical Signs

For more than 35 years Mr. Jay Hedjazi has been at the forefront of technology. As a Software and Network Engineer, Jay has designed wireless and software solutions for clients in both public and private sectors. With the advent of Internet of Things (IOT), Jay is once again taking the lead in integration of all things internet using intelligent roadway signs.

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